Saturday, January 08, 2005

See? Style AND Attitude :) Posted by Hello {A red-head in a pink tutu and a hat... look out universe!}

Notice how UNamused Tariq is hehe. Don't worry too much Tariq... Reesey won't let Carter borrow her clothes anyway so nothing to worry about :P! Posted by Hello

Dad, Kimberly and Cameron trying to stand up on a sprained hip for the 10,000th time... Why are Kimmie's eyes always red?  Posted by Hello

I'm blaming the Christmas Stress... Posted by Hello

A perfect Photo! Liam, Cameron, Carter and Reese looking like the little angels they are :) Posted by Hello

Me Last Year Posted by Hello If it looks like i've just been through hell and back it's because I had....

Friday, January 07, 2005

Liam's Birthday

Today was Liam's 10th birthday! I can't believe my baby boy is growing up so fast. We elected to have his party next weekend so he can have a bigger bash. But, I did take him and Cameron to KidsQuest. They don't ever want to leave there even if they are both so tired they can't walk they grumble about having to come home. I'm sure I would be the same if I were their age too. I remember how much fun a playground with a set of monkey bars was. I can't imagine what would have happened if we'd had a place like KidsQuest to go to. We wouldn't even have to get frostbite to play there. Hehe.

Mom and Dad are spending the weekend in N'awlins and I am praying that Mom is feeling better enough to have some fun.
Love & Light