Friday, August 26, 2005

Random thoughts

I communicate, feel, think and dream in/with pictures. I noticed while looking at other people's blogs that most people use words to do these things so I thought I'd make an attempt to add a few more words to this silly Blog. :)

The hard part about that is coming up with the actual words. It's sooooo much easier to use pictures! haha Anyway, I wanted to mention that I try to keep my posts focused on some of the positive aspects of being alive, the things that give me the Light & Love to keep going for another day. And even when I'm trying to deal with or process some negative feelings or happenings I try not to delve into the depths with it. Just acknowledge what is happening or did happen and grow beyond it. I know all too well that there are much bigger and much darker things going on in the world. I think it's hard not to feel overcome by all of that so this is one small way that I deal with it.
~Living 1 second at a time~ Wenchie