Sunday, September 24, 2006

Toilets ~ A Modern Marvel

A couple weeks ago I watched a program with my brother called "Modern Marvels". This particular show was about the toilet. It's really fascinating history. I found this excellant essay
  • while doing some research about one of the things that really struck me from the show; the Palace of Versailles had no bathrooms! There were over 20,000 people that lived there and they relieved themselves in the stairwells, and shrubbery etc. EWWWWW!!!!

    Clicking on the headline will take you to a corner of the web called the "Toilet Museum". You can check out everything from techno-toilets to toilet earrings. Personally, I feel the museum is not near as interesting as the essay, but I included it because I'm a visual person: pictures are fun. :)

    Thankfully, I haven't had "pray to the porcelain god" Or "Worship ralph At The Porcelain Altar" in a long time. But, after reading the history of toilets maybe we should all hold them in higher regard.