Saturday, June 16, 2007

Eight Random Things (for Susan)

1. I've been married 2 times but divorced 3 times.

2. I died when I was 8, one week before Christmas. I had a really bad asthma attack, went cyanotic (turning blue because of lack of oxygen in the blood) and died. Yes I do remember it.

3. I have moved over 30 times.

4. I've hiked most of the Appalachian, Pacific Crest and Continental Divide Trails.

5. My favorite color is gray. But I love all things shiny. I'm absolutely addicted to shiny things.

6. I am afraid of 4 things: spiders, rats, fear and falling in love.

7. When I was 5 I broke my arm by falling off monkey bars. At the time I fell I was running over the top of the bars, "look no hands!".

8. I still do not know what I want to be when I grow up.

I am tagging
  • Pete