Friday, June 06, 2008

I totally agree...

Susan Sarandon on men: “There’s nothing that turns me on more than a smart guy with a sense of humour and a little bit of a twinkle in his eye. I like men who cry and who listen, and who have a strong feminine side. I also like a man who can take care of things for me. I don’t care what age a man is, if he’s older or younger – it doesn’t matter to me. I like someone who can dance and laugh, and has a sense of adventure and who’s good at what he does. Passionate.”

She continues on with this: "I think forgiveness is essential and difficult. I could forgive a sexual misdemeanour more easily than I could forgive being excluded from something important that was new in his life. I believe you have to give your partner freedom and be generous. I want him to be with me because he wants to be."

I love her. :)