Sunday, March 20, 2005

Wow it's March Already

Life has been the usually roller coaster of down and further down followed by down some more... Well it hasn't been ALL bad it never really is, is it? I swear I live in the Twilight Zone though...

On a more positive note I've been hearing from lots of my old EQ friends and it's reminded me just how cool it is to be a part of a family and that no blood ties are required. Nic is getting old :P, Knate is getting married!, Laura moved, Austin is getting married!, I'm sure I have more news but I'm sleepy.

Josh is supposed to fly in Tuesday and not just for a visit this time. It's been almost exactly 2 years to the date since our family was so rudely destroyed... Soooooo much has happened since then and we've only been able to see each other so few times it's hard to see how the future will be.