Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Aspie Quiz

My results:

Stable version, release 2.2 (2007-08-14)
Thank you for filling out this questionnaire.

Your Aspie AS score: 162 of 200
Your neurotypical NT (non-autistic) score: 33 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie

(note: I have tested as high as 189 out of 200 on similar tests)

"Cure Ignorance project from
  • Aspergian Pride
  • : No reasonable person in today’s society would suggest that racial minorities ought to be cured of their skin color or their hair texture. And yet, when the genetic traits of a minority group include a neurological configuration that differs from the majority population to any noticeable extent, society’s tolerance for diversity goes out the window. The Internet and the mass media are filled with profoundly negative and inaccurate stereotypes about the Aspergian population.
    To ensure that others will respect and value our diversity, instead of calling for our extermination by way of prenatal testing and eugenic abortion, we must refute these stereotypes. "

    For additional links about Asperger's/Autism Spectrum check this page out:

  • Or these ones:
  • Lots more info

  • even more info

  • A quote from Jared of that I like, " There isn't an NT inside of us waiting to get out, there's just a pretend NT painted on top of us so the child
    abuse would just stop."

    The image is from